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MCAT Application

Students in class

Thank you for your interest in attending MCAT High School.  Students are able to enroll at MCAT at the start of each Quarter. 

Applicants to MCAT HS are considered on a priority basis according to student need. 

  • Students with class standing of Senior+ are given first priority, followed by seniors & then juniors.
  • Priority is also given to students who are behind on credits earned who might not graduate on time with their cohort.

All other applications will be considered if space is available
Students who require academic services and supports will be considered if their instructional program has capacity. 

In order to start the enrollment process, please submit your application using the MCAT online application link.  We will review your application and school records (including your transcript), and then contact you to let you know your eligibility to attend MCAT.

Once you have been accepted to MCAT, students and their parent/guardian are expected to attend an Orientation in order to enroll.

The application for the 2024-2025 school year is available below:

Apply to MCAT

Please call 520-682-4773 or email the school for additional assistance if needed.